The South Shore Regional CIT-TTAC works with the local community to improve response to mental health and substance use challenges in the region. 

  • Supports the Quincy District Court Hub table bringing police departments and crisis management systems together with behavioral health providers in the following 7 towns:

    • Braintree, Cohasset, Holbrook, Milton, Quincy, Randolph, and Weymouth. 

  • Consults with local police departments and towns to advise on best practices when responding to mental health crises and substance use concerns.

  • Provides targeted training for local police departments throughout the region.

Community Involvement

South Shore CIT-TTAC benefits

for the town of Braintree:

  • Through the Jail Diversion Program grant from the Department of Mental Health, Braintree employs co-responding clinicians to provide crisis response to mental health related calls in Braintree as well as follow ups and referrals post-crisis.

  • Responds with Manet Community Health Center Prevention Specialists to provide Post-Overdose Response outreach.

  • Ensures that 100% of law enforcement receive training in Mental Health First Aid, and 25% in Crisis Intervention Team Training.

Mental Health Interactions

In the graph, we can see the trajectory of calls for service that have a mental health component over the past several years. Most recently in 2023, there were 314 mental health calls. The Braintree Family Service Unit/Crisis Intervention Team additionally completed 532 well-being checks and 323 mental health follow ups; totaling roughly 1,100 mental health related interactions with the community.